How do I create an Invoice

Step 1: Click on the ‘Sales’ tab on the left side of Vifto Books.  

Step 2: Click on the ‘Invoices’ tab on the left side of Vifto Books.  

Step 3: Upload your logo onto the invoice.  

Step 4: Automatically select any customer whose information was previously saved on Vifto Books.  You can Edit both your customers information and shipping information for every invoice created. 

Step 4.5: Add a new customer to your invoices by clicking on the blue ‘+’ icon.  Fill-in all the information in the listed fields above about your client.  Click on ‘Save & Close’ button to save the newly created customer.  


Step 5: Change or add the currency of your customer.

Step 6: Add any Cash Sale to your bank account. 

Step 7: Add your Bank details or your existing bank account to your invoices.

Step 8: Select the date for your invoice. This could be either an invoice made in the past, current or for the future

Step 9: Add an External Reference to the invoice and select the ‘Payment Terms’ if invoices are on receipt or not.

Step 10: Fill in all the required details of your invoices indicating the ‘Description’ of the product/service, the ‘Account’, the ‘Quantity’ and ‘Price’. Add more entries to you're invoice by clicking on the 'Add a new entry'. 

Step 11: Write a custom message to your client on the invoice by clicking on the ’Use Custom Message’ switch. 

Step 12: Preview your invoice before posting it.

Step 13: Save your invoice as a draft

Step 14: Post your Invoice and it will be automatically saved on Vifto Books.